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Membership Website Help

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Passwords & Memorable Word/Phrase


For increased security, to keep you and other members safe online, we use software to prevent easy to use passwords.

  • Passwords should be between 6 to 20 characters in length
  • The following are valid characters:
    • at least one upper case character (A-Z)
    • at least lowercase character (a-z)
    • at least one number (0-9)
    • at least one special character (!@$%^&*()-_+=:;.,/<>{}[]|~`?#;,)
In addition, we will ask you to update your password every 180 days (3 months) and block previous passwords from being used.

Memorable Word or Phrase

The memorable word can be used as an alternative to 2FA for reduced website access when authorised by the Beaumont Society Admin Team; it can also be used as an additional security check when seeking support.

  • The memorable word or phrase should be between 8 to 20 characters in length
  • The following are valid characters:
    • upper case characters (A-Z)
    • lowercase characters (a-z)
    • numbers (0-9)

Forgotten Passwords

We don't store passwords in a readable format to reduce hacking risks. If you have forgotten your password you will need to reset it and enter a set a new one. Simply click the 'Forgotten Password' option on the login page. You'll receive an email with instructions on resetting your password.

Incorrect Login Attempts

If there are three incorrect login attempts to your account, your account will be blocked for 15 minutes, and you will be unable to gain access. We will also email you to alert you to possible fraudulent login attempts.

Updating Passwords

We require you to reset your password every 180 days since the last reset. This is part of our process of protecting your account.

Password Security

To keep your account secure:

  • NEVER give out your password to anyone (including Beaumont Society staff)
  • NEVER give out your 2FA token number to anyone (including Beuamont Society staff)
  • Do not give out your memorable word to anyone unless you are satisfied that you are speaking to the admin team - they will only ask you for a maximum of three characters from your memorable word or phrase to confirm your identity